- Our Ranch -
In 1949, Leonard Wulf moved to Minnesota when he married the love of his life, Vi. Here they raised their family and lots of sheep and cattle. Jim was one of 11 children and learned to love cattle from his Dad, which he passed down to his sons. In 2011, Jim, Twyla, Travis and Brady moved south of Starbuck to start their ranch, Clear Springs Cattle Company.

All our cattle are registered Simmental and SimAngus. They are known to be good mothers and produce quality beef. The majority have black hides, but there are some white faced and red in the herd. Our main goal is to raise cattle for their genetics and sell them to other ranchers so they can improve their herd. The cattle not chosen for breeding are then fed differently and used to produce beef. Our cattle are the focus of our ranch and are handled with the utmost care.

Carbon Capture
All the acres across our ranch have one thing in common, regenerating the land. The soil is constantly improving by taking carbon from the air and putting it safely in the soil. Since our cropland is 100% no-tilled, this carbon is not released back into the atmosphere and it feeds the soil biology, which create nutrients for the plants. Our goal is to have something growing on the land all year, whether it be grass in the pasture, crops in the field, or cover crops to protect the soil. You can enjoy our beef with confidence knowing it had a positive impact on the environment by helping remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Spring Water
Water is the most important ingredient in a cows diet, but yet it is one that gets thought about the least. We are blessed with more than five natural springs on our ranch that offer us some of the purest and most natural water available. We have been able to harness some of this natural water and gravity flow it to numerous water tanks and one waterfall for the cattle to have easy, clean access. We have noticed a great improvement in the health and well being of the herd since using such great water.